Production crew is set up at a Coquitlam park
Twilight fans have been running off their feet to catch a glimpse of New Moon stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. 'New Moon', the second book in the Twilight series, is being shot at locations across British Columbia and the Twilight fansites and Twitter networkers are actively stalking the production and broadcasting locations as they become known.
Michele Danielov has staked out two New Moon locations hoping for a peek at the stars. When a friend called to say that the New Moon shoot had set up at Minnekhada Regional Park in Coquitlam, she didn't hesitate. Read more...
Jamie Campbell-Bower Cast In 'Twilight' Sequel 'New Moon'
It looks like Dakota Fanning has some company in the Volturi clan for "New Moon." British actor Jamie Campbell-Bower, who has appeared in "RockNRolla" and "Sweeney Todd," will play Caius in the "Twilight" sequel. The 20-year-old confirmed his casting to BBC News, saying being involved in the movie is "very exciting."
"You're the first people I've told," he said about the role of Caius, part of an Italian coven of vampires. "Shooting has already started, and I'm going over in June." Campbell-Bower admits that he has some work to do now that he's been cast in the film. "I hadn't read the books before," he said. "But it's a great thing to be a part of, and it did very well last year." Read more...
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Robert Pattinson's brother fun
Robert Pattinson had loads of fun with his Twilight brother Kellan Lutz during a photo shoot for Cosmo Girl.
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Showbiz News: Madonna, Megan Fox and Robert Pattinson
A Malawi court official says Madonna won't know until Friday whether she will be allowed to adopt a 4-year-old girl as her second child from the southern African nation. Court official Thomson Ligowe confirmed that Madonna's adoption application has been adjourned by the court until the end of the week.
Megan Fox has a private animal kingdom in her Hollywood home. She has made a small scale zoo - keeping five dogs, two cats, two birds a squirrel, and has recently also brought home a pot bellied pig named Piggy Smalls.
Robert Pattinson - who returns as vampire Edward Cullen in the next 'Twilight' film - has revealed he Googles himself to find out what gossip there is about him on the internet. “I admit I do look for myself sometimes,” the actor admits. “I used to do it a lot more before. Now I only look at the negative stuff. I just want to know whoever's saying negative stuff, I want to remember their names. I write it all down in my black book.” Read it here...