Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Kiss in Never Released Twilight Scene (VIDEO)
I know that we're all gearing up for the release of Twilight Saga Eclipse on June 30th, but we still have to remember where it all started in the original Twilight. It seems that more and more never seen photos and footage of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are being released from the earlier films. The video below is of a scene in Bella's bedroom where she dreams that she kisses Edward and then wakes to find him there for only a second. The part where they share the kiss is the part that isn't actually in the movie. It was cut during editing for some reason and you have to wonder why because the kiss was hot! Link...
“Eclipse” book with new cover available for pre-order
This week I got a tip from the Thinking of Rob blog: a newly-designed “Eclipse” paperback is available for pre-order online. The official release date for the title is May 25, but the volume is already on sale for pre-order on (and does not yet appear to be on sale for pre-order at Borders’)—the cover price is $12.99, but is selling it for just under $9.00.
Pre-order Eclipse (The Twilight Saga) here
As with the earlier books, the alternative cover features the actors in the movies. In this case, we see a flowing-haired Bella flanked by a protective-looking Edward and Jacob. All characters are facing forward, though both Edward and Jacob’s faces are partially obscured. The image of clouds surrounding the eclipsed sun is shown on the bottom half of the space. Link...
Will ‘Breaking Dawn’ begin filming in October?
According to Christian Serratos, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” will begin production in October. Christian, who plays Bella’s friend Angela in the films, let the cat out of the bag on Monday.
She and co-stars Gil Birmingham, Booboo Stewart, and Daniel Cudmore were in Australia for the “Twilight” convention at Melbourne University when they were asked if they knew when “Breaking Dawn” would start shooting. Link...