Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twilight News for Jan 27

Robert Pattinson: 'I'm Not Attractive'
The actor shows off his modest side...

A modest Robert Pattinson says he is struggling with his new-found image as a heartthrob, as he was never considered good looking as a boy. The Twilight star - who has gone from regular Rob to international pin-up overnight - insists that like the rest of us he also went through an awkward teenage phase.
He says, "I never really considered myself attractive. I was always kind of gangly in school.

"Before I go out to face a crowd, I stare and stare at myself in the mirror until I have to tell myself to stop staring, since there’s nothing I can do." Read more...

Robert Pattinson thrills fans singing at a UK pub
Actor Robert Pattinson enthralled his fans recently by performing at an open microphone night in London.

The ‘Twilight’ star has repeatedly insisted that he loves music so much that he may make a career in the industry in case his film roles dry up. He seems to have manifested his love for music yet again by singing on the vampire movie’s soundtrack, reports the Daily Star.

He was recently spotted onstage in a Soho pub in the British capital. Read about it here...

10 Signs You're Too Obsessed With Twilight
Almost everybody loves "Twilight," but what happens when you just go too damn far? What are the signs that your love for Twilight has crossed the line into obsession? We've created this handy check list to help you decided if you need professional assistance with your Twilight Obsession.
10) You've memorized every line of the book series
9) You refer to yourself as a "Twilight Scholar"
8) Your screen name is a Twilight character's name
7) You spend all day blogging about the movie
6) You are set to receive Twitter updates about "New Moon"
5) You think Catherine Hardwicke should be the next President of the United States
4) You actually think you have a future with either Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner
3) You just know in your heart that vampires are real
2) You're sure Twilight is non-fiction
1) You have your Google Alerts set to notify you anytime anyone in the world mentions Twilight even once.

If 5 or more of these statements apply to you, you may already be too far gone to help. If all 10 are applicable, all we can do is send some good vibes and hope for the best. Read more here...

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