'Twilight' hearthrob Robert Pattinson creates stir on set of 'Remember Me'
"Twilight" hunk Robert Pattinson is causing traffic jams and crowds in New York, where he's already shooting scenes for his new film, "Remember Me," costarring Emilie de Ravin from "Lost."
A crowd of 200 gathered outside NYU's Silver Center of Arts & Science after fans texted, tweeted and called their friends to get to downtown Manhattan, like, NOW!
Pattinson was being being filmed walking down the street while talking to a friend, smoking a cigarette and holding a cup of coffee. Read more....
The Twilight of the Extended Entertainment Tonight New Moon Footage
Following up on our earlier Twilight report of Entertainment Tonight releasing extended behind the scenes New Moon footage from their time on the set of the Twilight Saga sequel, the recycled New Moon footage has been released with a few bits and pieces of Twilight goodness added to the New Moon mix. As we reported in our earlier New Moon story about the extended ET footage, there's not a lot of new Twilight info to chew on.
However, the extended Entertainment Tonight footage does reveal an interesting scene between New Moon star Kristen Stewart and actor Jackson Rathbone at Bella's birthday party where fans are treated to a more dangerous side of Jasper as he loses his cool in a painful fury after seeing the blood of Bella from a papercut. Read more...
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