Irina is the vampire who runs to the Volturi - the Italian government of the vampire world - and rats out Bella and Edward for creating an immortal child. This information is actually false, and Irina must pay the consequences. Grace’s character in the beginning seasons of Lost was easy to dislike, setting a good foundation for her role as Irina in Breaking Dawn.
Nine-year-old Mackenzie Foy, who is a model and an actress, will most likely be playing the role of Renesmee, Edward and Bella’s interesting child. In The Twilight Saga, Renesmee is named after Bella’s mother Renee, and Edwards mother Esme. The child, who has a power unlike any of the other vampires, is quite the disturbing character. Link...
'Twilight: Breaking Dawn' Will Have Filming in Brazil
Twilight: Breaking Dawn, the final two films in the smash hit saga penned by Stephenie Meyer, will be partially filmed in Brazil, according to media reports on Tuesday.
A cast member on the film, Ashley Greene, confirmed with MTV News on the location.
In Breaking Dawn, Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) will go on a honeymoon in Brazil, where Bella finds out about her pregnancy of a half human and half vampire baby, Renesmee. Link...
Stephenie Meyer considered 'biggest brightspot for the industry' last year
The number one topseller for the year, according to the report, was New Moon, and it was followed by Eclipse, Twilight, and Breaking Dawn. Link...
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