Shooting on Breaking Dawn has moved from the busy streets of Lapa to the more tranquil setting (if you discount the fans/paparazzi/security etc) of Taquari in the Rio municipality of Paraty.
In our pictures (click the link), stars Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) and Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) are seen heading back to the mainland via boat after spending seven hours filming romantic scenes at a local waterfall.
The area is doubling for Isle Esme, the island paradise where soon-to-be lovers Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon. Link...
Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Brave Dangerous Trails To Film ‘Breaking Dawn!’
R-Patz & K-Stew journey through the jungle to film a romantic scene by a giant waterfall.
Since arriving in Rio de Janeiro on Nov. 5, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and the entire Breaking Dawn crew have been busy filming the second-to-last installment in the Twilight saga — and they’ve been having quite the adventure. Brazilian website Gente reports that the couple, who is staying at Pausada do Ouro hotel, headed out just after 5 a.m. on Nov. 9 to film a romantic scene at a waterfall in the Taquari region. Producers tell the site that 15 security guards, as well as local police, were on hand to escort the crew along a blocked-off trail.
Prior to filming in the south of Rio, R-Patz and friends stayed at the Copacabana Palace hotel and filmed multiple scenes in town and in a church. Needless to say, it’s being speculated that they were filming Edward and Bella’s epic interspecies wedding! Link...
Twilight Breaking Dawn Filming Caught On Tape
Twilight Breaking Dawn filming caught on tape. A Brazilian news channel recently posted some video footage (inside) from the set of the the first part of the fourth installment in Summit Entertainment's wildly popular vampire series entitled "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn."
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