Even people with no interest whatsoever in the Twilight franchise have been paying attention to reports from the set of Breaking Dawn, specifically to details on how the teen-friendly franchise will get away with shooting both Bella and Edward's hot-and-heavy wedding night and the violent birth of their half-vampire
baby Renesmee. Around Thanksgiving director Bill Condon tweeted a photo from the set that suggested the wedding night would be pretty true to the novel, but now producer Wyck Godfrey is talking to USA Today about how exactly they'll sanitize the birth in order to snag the all-important PG-13 rating. Link...
Robert Pattinson To Star In David Cronenberg’s COSMOPOLIS
According to THR, The popular Brit has signed on to star in COSMOPOLIS, David Cronenberg’s adapation of the Don DeLillo novel. Pattinson replaces Colin Farrell in the role of Eric Parker, a 28-year-old financial wizard and billionare. Farrell was initially signed to the project, but had to back out due to a filming conflict. Also starring Paul Giamatti and Marion Cotillard, Cosmopolis follows Parker as he travels Manhattan in his stretch limo. His goal is simply to get a haircut, but his journey is obstructed by obstacles including a presidential visit, an attack by anarchists and a rapper’s funeral. Throughout the course of the day, he battles with financial issues as he bets against the rise of the yen, a downfall that parallels his own life. Link...
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