A run-down of 'Twilight' at Comic-Con: who, what, when, and where
This year's Comic-Con event in San Diego promises to host a lot of interesting parcels for Twilight fans, not the least of which will be exclusive new footage from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1. There'll be Twilight stars present for the Breaking Dawn - Part 1 panel on Thursday, but there'll also be a few other panels of interest throughout the rest of the convention.
So, to keep it organized, here's a run-down of all of the Twilight-related events at Comic-Con, including who'll be there, what they'll be supporting, when the various panels and presentations take place, and where each is located. This list will be updated with further information if and when it comes in.
Thursday, July 21st:
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 panel - No word yet on exactly which Breaking Dawn castmates will be on-hand to deliver this "exclusive footage," but, based on a glance at the history of Twilight and Comic-Con, one might expect that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and the director, Bill Condon, will be present along with a few other choice castmembers (perhaps Part 1's newcomers, the "Denali Coven" castmates? Maybe Julia Jones and Booboo Stewart, since their characters become more prominent in this leg of the Saga?). One thing is for certain, it'll be a treat for fans who make it into Hall H.
Link to the rest of the schedule...'Twilight' prom scene's View Point Inn partially destroyed by fire 
Sadly, the View Point Inn, a small historic building located in Portland, Oregon which served as the venue for the prom scene in Twilight, was partially destroyed by a fire on Sunday.
According to local Portland news site KATU.com, two Twilight fans who were visiting the site first caught sight of the blazes and subsequent efforts by Inn employees to douse the flames were unsuccessful.
One owner, Geoff Thompson, who had been struggling to keep the building conditioned in years past, stated, "I love the inn, but I can't do it by myself anymore . . . If Oregon wants this inn and if people want this inn, everybody's going to have to join in and save it because I just can't do it my myself."
This is the latest of several Twilight film landmarks to come down.
Link...Boo Boo Stewart Talks Favorite Scene
Here is some Twilight trivia. Which role does actor BooBoo Stewart play in the Breaking Dawn movies? Yes, you’re correct if you said Seth Clearwater, a member of the La Push wolf pack. Today the young actor stops in Australia for an interview and reveals his favorite scene from parts one and two. Take a look now. In addition to that interesting revelation, Stewart describes Seth’s character, dishes on Bella and Edward’s wedding, and what it was like working with Kristen, Robert, and Taylor.
What are his impressions? “Kristen, the first time I met her on set she walked right up to me and introduced herself to me . . . not what I expected at all. And Taylor, I’ve known him for a while, so I got to see him again, and he’s always been cool. And Rob, I didn’t realize how funny he was . . . he’s a really funny guy.” You may remember that BooBoo and Taylor are both quite into martial arts.