The track list for the Breaking Dawn soundtrack has not yet been released, but it's safe to say it's going to be equal parts joyous and moody.
There will be happy music to accompany the wedding of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, and it's been reported that Robert Pattinson will lend his voice to "Renesmee's Lullaby," a song that his character sings to his newborn daughter. Link...
Twilight: Eclipse Featured in New Hallmark Ornament
Is your biggest problem with the December holidays the fact that there aren't enough werewolf-related decorations? If so, Hallmark is going to make this Christmas very merry. Last year Hallmark offered a Bella and Edward ornament, and this year, the company's reportedly gone one better and added the ever-passionate werewolf Jacob Black to the mix. The Twilight: Eclipse-themed ornament is expected to hit stores on July 16, giving fans more than ample time to get theirs before the onslaught of the holiday season. Link...
Below is the link to the 2010 ornament, and as soon as the 2011 one becomes available, we'll link to it as well.
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