The time has come, Twihards.
It's been months since that betrays-nothing teaser poster was revealed, but today your patience has finally paid off, as the poster for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn–Part 1 was finally unveiled.
Let's take a closer look…
Granted, it's not totally dissimilar to the Breaking Dawn banner that was revealed at Comic-Con last month, but instead of the group getting Photoshopped and smushed together, we get them in all their glory.
Here's what we see: newlywed lovebirds Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart—er, we mean Edward and Bella (incidentally, appearing to wear those honeymoon outfits we spotted earlier this year), along with Jacob are standing proud in the foreground (this franchise knows its moneymakers, after all), with the entire family Cullen all present and accounted for behind them. Link...
Breaking Dawn Talk from Denali Boss Vampire
MyAnna Buring is the name of the Breaking Dawn actress who portrays Tanya, head of the Denali coven. Her past interactions with Edward Cullen are enough to make Bella a tad nervous, but hey, what’s past is past. What was it like for Buring on the set? Let’s find out by watching today’s Twilight video offering.
Of course readers of Stephenie Meyer’s novels know the sexy blondes of the Denali cover are also “vegetarian vampires”. Kate, Irina, Garrett, Carmen and Eleazar are also family members, though the latter two are dark-haired and come from Spain. Kate or Katerina has a special ability to shock anyone who touches her in the books. Garrett starts out as nomadic vampire when we first meet him. At one time the Alaskans were also joined by Sasha, their adoptive mother…dun dun dun.
Link with video...
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