Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twilight Saga News for Dec 1

Pattinson: Twilight abstinence sexy
Robert Pattinson believes the Twilight movies are a metaphor for sexual abstinence.
The 23-year-old star plays vampire Edward Cullen in the saga, who is unable to have a sexual relationship with a human because he fears that if he goes further than a kiss, his emotions and the power of his body may injure his beloved. Link...

'Twilight: Breaking Dawn' may be broken in two movies

Moviegoers may get an extra chance to visit the world of "Twilight."
With the third installment, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," nearly done, Summit Entertainment is prepping to adapt the series' fourth and final book. "Breaking Dawn," though, is weighty enough that the studio is contemplating splitting it into two films, according to Variety.
Thing is, Summit only contracted the lead actors, director Chris Weitz and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg for four films, and the agreement with series author Stephenie Meyer is also only for four films.
Are we worried? No. The box-office success of "Twilight" and "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" should help all involved see why an extra payday is worth the time.
More worrisome is "Breaking Dawn's" subject matter. Spoilers follow!

Once Bitten: Grilling Robert Pattison’s Twilight photo/stunt double Preston Johnson.
Preston Johnson, 22, had just gotten out of class in Eugene when he got the call from a casting agency: “Do you still have long hair?” they asked. A couple weeks, hair length confirmation and multiple auditions later, the University of Oregon student was kickin’ it on the set of a small film called Twilight with actors Kristen Stewart (Bella), Robert Pattinson (Edward) and the rest of the vampy gang—paid around $150 a day to pile on pale make-up and fight off crazed fans and TwilightMoms as Pattison’s photo/stunt double on the film’s Oregon set. As New Moon, the second film installment of the mega-popular book series, hits theaters and decimates box office records, Johnson looked back on his three months of filming as the other Edward. Link...

'New Moon' star Taylor Lautner switches roles in 'Valentine's Day' to kiss Taylor Swift Twilight fans used to seeing the young heartthrob actor Taylor Lautner on screen, can see him switch roles in the new upcoming film, 'Valentine's Day,' hitting theaters February 12, 2012.
'Valentine's Day' has Lautner appearing opposite rumored girlfriend Taylor Swift in a subplot that revolves around them making out.
The romantic flick is full of stars, everyone from Anne Hathaway to Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner and Jamie Foxx to Topher Grace, Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper, to a set of Jessica's: Jessica Biel and Alba. Link...

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